This category will hold all courses that are taken by more than one departments.

Course Name: Introduction to Computing
Course Code: MA MC EL RN GM GL MN MR PE ES 159

Preamble for Course Setup
If Dr Lecturer UMaT is teaching Mathematics and Petroleum students for Introduction to computing, he can put all those students in the same class. Hence the Course ID section in setting up the course will be MA PE 159. The student's Usernames will make it very easy to group Mathematics and Petroleum students when students marks are download from the Gradebook.

Again, since lectures will be based on the current timetable schedule provided by the Examination Office. If this same lecturer takes Mathematics and Petroleum on Monday @ 2:00 pm and Electrical and Renewable on Tuesday @ 8:00 am for the same course, it will be advisable to group each lecture periods differently (MA and PE as one group and EL and RN as another group) so we do not get clashes in lectures.
Course image MC/EL -156 Engineering Drawing with AUTOCAD
All Combined Courses and Classes

This course covers fundamental concepts in engineering drawing, including:

- Sectional views and standard conventions for sectional views

- Curves of intersection between various planes and solids

- Development of different solids, such as cylinders and spheres

- Creation of assembly drawings from both exploded views and working drawings

- Introduction to Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

All Combined Courses and Classes

 The aim of this course is to analyse what happens to discrete information. At the end of

the course the students should be able to: 

â–ª explain the concept of limit

â–ª determine whether some simple sequences and series diverge or converge.

â–ª apply the concept of limit to real life situation.