This category will hold all courses that are taken by more than one departments.

Course Name: Introduction to Computing
Course Code: MA MC EL RN GM GL MN MR PE ES 159

Preamble for Course Setup
If Dr Lecturer UMaT is teaching Mathematics and Petroleum students for Introduction to computing, he can put all those students in the same class. Hence the Course ID section in setting up the course will be MA PE 159. The student's Usernames will make it very easy to group Mathematics and Petroleum students when students marks are download from the Gradebook.

Again, since lectures will be based on the current timetable schedule provided by the Examination Office. If this same lecturer takes Mathematics and Petroleum on Monday @ 2:00 pm and Electrical and Renewable on Tuesday @ 8:00 am for the same course, it will be advisable to group each lecture periods differently (MA and PE as one group and EL and RN as another group) so we do not get clashes in lectures.
All Combined Courses and Classes

The general aim of this course is to introduce students to methods of research. The specific objectives of the course are:

  1.  to ensure that students acquire practical research skills for business and academic research
  2.  to help students understand the principles of research
  3.  to enable students to link the research process with theories of their specialist areas
  4.  to equip students with the ethical consideration of scientific research

Course image Cartography
All Combined Courses and Classes

This course is for second year students and is on introduction to Cartography. 

Course image Basic French I - EL/IS 141 (2024)
All Combined Courses and Classes

This course is designed to meet the French language needs of our future engineering professionals who have the prospects of working with international organisations, both locally and internationally. The course is, therefore, structured to help these future professionals to be able to develop basic communicative competencies both orally and in writing, bearing in mind real communication situations in their domain. The course is designed to also create and sustain the interest of engineering students in the French language for further development after their programmes of study, for academic, economic and other purposes.

The basic concepts of the French language and culture will be introduced to students in the first semester which will be built upon in the second semester.

 “You live a new life for every language you speak. If you know only one language, you live only once” 

(Czech Proverb)

Course image Operations Research
All Combined Courses and Classes

The main aims of the course are as follows:

  • To prepare the student to become a good engineer by equipping him/her with Operation Research scientific approach in problem-solving and decision making.
  • To equip the student with Operation Research skills by which he/she can make objective managerial decisions in his/her professional life.
And the objectives for undertaking this course include the following:
  • To introduce students to the basic Operation Research concepts and techniques.
  • To encourage students to employ Operation Research techniques to solve problems of industry to arrive at objective decisions.

The thematic areas to be considered in this course are Linear Programming, Postoptimality Analysis, Transportation Problem, The Assignment Problem, Simulation, Network Scheduling, and Integer Programming.

Course image Basic French I - GM/GL/LA 141 (2024)
All Combined Courses and Classes

This course is designed to meet the French language needs of our future engineering professionals who have the prospects of working with international organisations, both locally and internationally. The course is, therefore, structured to help these future professionals to be able to develop basic communicative competencies both orally and in writing, bearing in mind real communication situations in their domain. The course is designed to also create and sustain the interest of engineering students in the French language for further development after their programmes of study, for academic, economic and other purposes.

The basic concepts of the French language and culture will be introduced to students in the first semester which will be built upon in the second semester.

 “You live a new life for every language you speak. If you know only one language, you live only once” 

(Czech Proverb)

Course image Basic French I - PE/NG 141 (2024)
All Combined Courses and Classes

This course is designed to meet the French language needs of our future engineering professionals who have the prospects of working with international organisations, both locally and internationally. The course is, therefore, structured to help these future professionals to be able to develop basic communicative competencies both orally and in writing, bearing in mind real communication situations in their domain. The course is designed to also create and sustain the interest of engineering students in the French language for further development after their programmes of study, for academic, economic and other purposes.

The basic concepts of the French language and culture will be introduced to students in the first semester which will be built upon in the second semester.

“You live a new life for every language you speak. If you know only one language, you live only once” 

(Czech Proverb)

Course image Basic Communications Systems (Top-Up)
All Combined Courses and Classes

This course gives students an introduction to the basic building blocks of modern communications systems. The student is taught the basics of analog and digital modulation techniques and the principles underlying the transmission of information signals from the transmission end to the receiver through a communication channel.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
- explain the basic building blocks of a digital communication system;
- understand the principles of operation and application of a representative range of communications and broadcasting systems;
- demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of communication principles, including analogue and digital signals, the radio spectrum, modulation techniques;
- apply a systems approach to the analysis and design of communication systems;
- show confidence with the use of measurement equipment such as signal generators and oscilloscopes;

Course image Electric Haulage Machinery 2024
All Combined Courses and Classes

A. Course Introduction
Electric Haulage Machinery (EL 472) discusses industrial traction machinery that incorporates electrical power
source and principles to operate. It includes hauling tracks, hoists, and locomotives.
B. Course Content Overview: AC and DC power supply systems, Electric motors and their drives, Classification of haulage machinery. Electric traction systems. Signalling and telecommunications. Winding machines. Hoists. Winder trucks. The mining environment. AC and DC mine winders and their controls. Lilly hoist controller and safety systems. Servomechanisms.
C. Course Objectives
The objectives of this course are to: i. Elaborate on concept and principles of haulage machinery in mining and non-mining environment; ii. Highlight the principle of operation and control of mine winders and industrial conveyor systems; iii. Explain signalling and telecommunications in industrial set-ups; and
iv. Outline the principle of operation of servomotors and servomechanisms.
D. Course Outcomes
At the end of the course students will:
i. Have a thorough understanding of the fundamental concepts and techniques used in electrical aspects of
haulage machinery;
ii. Understand the principle of operation of various haulage machinery; and
iii. Acquire the skills to analyze and design electrical systems for electric haulage machinery.