This category will hold all courses that are taken by more than one departments.

Course Name: Introduction to Computing
Course Code: MA MC EL RN GM GL MN MR PE ES 159

Preamble for Course Setup
If Dr Lecturer UMaT is teaching Mathematics and Petroleum students for Introduction to computing, he can put all those students in the same class. Hence the Course ID section in setting up the course will be MA PE 159. The student's Usernames will make it very easy to group Mathematics and Petroleum students when students marks are download from the Gradebook.

Again, since lectures will be based on the current timetable schedule provided by the Examination Office. If this same lecturer takes Mathematics and Petroleum on Monday @ 2:00 pm and Electrical and Renewable on Tuesday @ 8:00 am for the same course, it will be advisable to group each lecture periods differently (MA and PE as one group and EL and RN as another group) so we do not get clashes in lectures.
Course image Surface Mining Systems
All Combined Courses and Classes

Surface mining is the most dominant method of mining the world over. Its dominance over underground mining has become even more important with dwindling grades and declining commodity prices in general. Surface mining operations, however, have detrimental effects on the environment which requires the incorporation of measures to minimize these effects. To be able to execute a surface mining operation successfully various systems will have to be adapted depending on the nature of the deposit.

 This text presents some of the common systems of surface mining with particular emphasis on mechanical and aqueous extraction methods. The text excludes all systems or unit operations that have been adequately dealt with in other courses in the mining engineering curricula.

All Combined Courses and Classes

In our everyday dealings, especially in corporate settings, our trades and/or organizations' activities, and us (as employees or managers), either become the subject or object of bad actions. This course, Law of Contract and Tort will expose students to understanding of legal frameworks that govern our enterprise and personal dealings in two distinct ways: Law of Contract and Law of Tort, which are both considered part of the Civil Law of Ghana. Whiles Contract Law imposes duties on parties who enter a contractual relationship, Tort Law focuses on duties based on acceptable and responsible behavior of the members of a community.

The course covers the following contents:


1.       Contract-nature, types, formation,

2.       Essential requirements- offer and acceptance, consideration, legal intention to bind, legal capacity

3.       Terms-express, implied, construction, exemption clauses

4.       Vitiating Factors –Mistake, Misrepresentation, Duress/Undue influence

5.       Discharge

6.       Breaches-remedies, penalties, damages, specific performance


1.       Nature of Tort Law

2.       Trespass to Persons and Property

3.       Trespass to land,

4.       Vicarious liability,

5.       Volenti non fit injuria

6.       Nuisance

7.       Negligence

Course image Critical Thinking (EC 162)
All Combined Courses and Classes

Critical thinking is defined as "the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action". In simpler terms, critical thinking involves the systematic process of evaluating and interpreting information to make well-reasoned judgments and decisions.

Course image Communication Skills II (LA 158)
All Combined Courses and Classes

The course is covered through lectures, class discussions and individual as well as group-based learning tasks and presentations.  The tutorials which will be used to reinforce these, will count as part of each lecture.  This is to enable each student to apply and demonstrate the skill(s) he or she has acquired or developed.  The student is expected to read the lecture notes and any supplementary material(s) before attending lectures so that he or she can learn better by actively participating and meaningfully contributing to class discussions.  As a student, you will benefit immensely from the course and appreciate it.

All Combined Courses and Classes

This course explores the intersection of creativity and entrepreneurship, equipping students with the knowledge and skills to foster innovative thinking and apply it to entrepreneurial endeavours. Through a combination of theoretical concepts, practical exercises, and case studies, students will gain a deep understanding of the creative process, entrepreneurial mindset, and strategies for successful innovation-driven ventures.