This category will hold all courses that are taken by more than one departments.

Course Name: Introduction to Computing
Course Code: MA MC EL RN GM GL MN MR PE ES 159

Preamble for Course Setup
If Dr Lecturer UMaT is teaching Mathematics and Petroleum students for Introduction to computing, he can put all those students in the same class. Hence the Course ID section in setting up the course will be MA PE 159. The student's Usernames will make it very easy to group Mathematics and Petroleum students when students marks are download from the Gradebook.

Again, since lectures will be based on the current timetable schedule provided by the Examination Office. If this same lecturer takes Mathematics and Petroleum on Monday @ 2:00 pm and Electrical and Renewable on Tuesday @ 8:00 am for the same course, it will be advisable to group each lecture periods differently (MA and PE as one group and EL and RN as another group) so we do not get clashes in lectures.
Course image Communication Skills II (EL/IS 158) 2023
All Combined Courses and Classes

Communication Skill II (MC/CY 158) is a continuation of Communication Skills I. It further exposes students on how to organise their thoughts in an extensive discourse through the use of well crafted paragraphs. Learners are also taken through the various types of compositions as well as how to do proper documentation in the conduct of research works using approved styles.

Course image Communication Skills II (EC/LT 158) 2023
All Combined Courses and Classes

Communication Skill II (MC/CY 158) is a continuation of Communication Skills I. It further exposes students on how to organise their thoughts in an extensive discourse through the use of well crafted paragraphs. Learners are also taken through the various types of compositions as well as how to do proper documentation in the conduct of research works using approved styles.

Course image Communication Skills II (MC/CY 158) 2023
All Combined Courses and Classes

Communication Skill II (MC/CY 158) is a continuation of Communication Skills I. It further exposes students on how to organise their thoughts in an extensive discourse through the use of well crafted paragraphs. Learners are also taken through the various types of compositions as well as how to do proper documentation in the conduct of research works using approved styles.

Course image Basic French II - MR/ES 142@23
All Combined Courses and Classes

This course is designed to meet the French language needs of our future engineering professionals who have the prospects of working with international organisations, both locally and internationally. The course is, therefore, to help these future professionals to be able to develop basic communicative competencies both orally and in writing, in scientific, technological and general French, to be able to interact with their French speaking colleagues in real communication situations. The course is also designed to create and sustain the interest of engineering students in the French language for further development after their programmes of study, for academic and specific purposes.

Basic communicative concepts of the French language and culture introduced to students in the first semester, will be enhanced and built upon in this second semester.

"Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things."
Flora Lewis

Course image Basic French II - RP/PG/CH 142
All Combined Courses and Classes

This course is designed to meet the French language needs of our future engineering professionals who have the prospects of working with international organisations, both locally and internationally. The course is, therefore, to help these future professionals to be able to develop basic communicative competencies both orally and in writing, in scientific, technological and general French, to be able to interact with their French speaking colleagues in real communication situations. The course is also designed to create and sustain the interest of engineering students in the French language for further development after their programmes of study, for academic and specific purposes.

Basic communicative concepts of the French language and culture introduced to students in the first semester, will be enhanced and built upon in this second semester.

"Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things."
Flora Lewis

All Combined Courses and Classes

This course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices of entrepreneurship and to equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills to start, manage, and grow their own business ventures.

Course image BASIC FRENCH II - PE/NG 142@23
All Combined Courses and Classes

This course is designed to meet the French language needs of our future engineering professionals who have the prospects of working with international organisations, both locally and internationally. The course is, therefore, to help these future professionals to be able to develop basic communicative competencies both orally and in writing, in scientific, technological and general French, to be able to interact with their French speaking colleagues in real communication situations. The course is also designed to create and sustain the interest of engineering students in the French language for further development after their programmes of study, for academic and specific purposes.

Basic communicative concepts of the French language and culture introduced to students in the first semester, will be enhanced and built upon in this second semester.

"Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things."
Flora Lewis

Course image BASIC FRENCH II - GM/GL/LA 142
All Combined Courses and Classes

This course is designed to meet the French language needs of our future engineering professionals who have the prospects of working with international organisations, both locally and internationally. The course is, therefore, to help these future professionals to be able to develop basic communicative competencies both orally and in writing, in scientific, technological and general French, to be able to interact with their French speaking colleagues in real communication situations. The course is also designed to create and sustain the interest of engineering students in the French language for further development after their programmes of study, for academic and specific purposes.

Basic communicative concepts of the French language and culture introduced to students in the first semester, will be enhanced and built upon in this second semester.

"Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things."
Flora Lewis

Course image BASIC FRENCH II - EL/IS 142
All Combined Courses and Classes

This course is designed to meet the French language needs of our future engineering professionals who have the prospects of working with international organisations, both locally and internationally. The course is, therefore, to help these future professionals to be able to develop basic communicative competencies both orally and in writing, in scientific, technological and general French, to be able to interact with their French speaking colleagues in real communication situations. The course is also designed to create and sustain the interest of engineering students in the French language for further development after their programmes of study, for academic and specific purposes.

Basic communicative concepts of the French language and culture introduced to students in the first semester, will be enhanced and built upon in this second semester.

"Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things."
Flora Lewis

Course image BASIC FRENCH
All Combined Courses and Classes

This course is a continuation of BASIC FRENCH 142. It builds on previously acquired skills to equip students with resources for basic communication in French. The course involves both theory and practice, both of which shall count for final assessment.

Course image Basic Electricity (Certificate)
All Combined Courses and Classes

This course reviews the fundamental principles of electrical theory as applied to electrical circuits and devices such as resistors, inductors, capacitors and transformers. The general topics covered in this unit include the basic electrical quantities and their units of measurement; electrical circuits; electromagnetism and AC currents and voltages.

At the end of the course the student should have basic knowledge of electric current and electronics in order to understand the operation of the fundamental electrical and electronic circuits.