This category will hold all courses that are taken by more than one departments.

Course Name: Introduction to Computing
Course Code: MA MC EL RN GM GL MN MR PE ES 159

Preamble for Course Setup
If Dr Lecturer UMaT is teaching Mathematics and Petroleum students for Introduction to computing, he can put all those students in the same class. Hence the Course ID section in setting up the course will be MA PE 159. The student's Usernames will make it very easy to group Mathematics and Petroleum students when students marks are download from the Gradebook.

Again, since lectures will be based on the current timetable schedule provided by the Examination Office. If this same lecturer takes Mathematics and Petroleum on Monday @ 2:00 pm and Electrical and Renewable on Tuesday @ 8:00 am for the same course, it will be advisable to group each lecture periods differently (MA and PE as one group and EL and RN as another group) so we do not get clashes in lectures.
Course image Organic Chemistry
All Combined Courses and Classes

Organic chemistry is the study of the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and preparation of carbon-containing compounds. Most organic compounds contain carbon and hydrogen, but they may also include any number of other elements (e.g., nitrogen, oxygen, halogens, phosphorus, silicon, sulfur).

Course image Instrumentation and Control 2025
All Combined Courses and Classes

Instrumentation and Control Engineering (ICE) is a branch of engineering that studies the measurement and control of process variables, and the design and implementation of systems that incorporate them. Process variables include pressure, temperature, humidity, flow, pH, force and speed.

Commonly used Instrumentation Automation systems include Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), Distributed Control System (DCS), Remote Terminal Unit (RTU), and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)

Course image Basic Mechanics ES 167
All Combined Courses and Classes

Course Objectives

• The course should equip student perform the following;

• Vector and scalar representation of forces and moments.

• Draw Free body diagram

• Static equilibrium analysis particles and rigid bodies both in two and three dimensions.

• Determine the effect of friction in equilibrium. Apply the concept in machines

• Apply the equations of motion to dynamics systems (Kinetic and Kinematics)

• They would also understand the principle of work and energy

Course Outline

• Unit 1: Fundamental Concepts: Newton’s Laws of Motion;

• Unit2: Force systems and characteristics of forces; moment of a force; Vector representation of

forces and moments.

• Unit3: Basic statics: Equilibrium of rigid bodies in two and three-dimensions.

• Unit4: Structural Analysis: the method of joints and the method of sections.

• Unit5: Friction: Simple Machines;

• Unit6: Basic Dynamics of Particles; Basic Dynamics of Rigid Bodies; Simple harmonic motion

Course image Basic Mechanics MR167
All Combined Courses and Classes

Course Objectives

• The course should equip student perform the following;

• Vector and scalar representation of forces and moments.

• Draw Free body diagram

• Static equilibrium analysis particles and rigid bodies both in two and three dimensions.

• Determine the effect of friction in equilibrium. Apply the concept in machines

• Apply the equations of motion to dynamics systems (Kinetic and Kinematics)

• They would also understand the principle of work and energy

Course Outline

• Unit 1: Fundamental Concepts: Newton’s Laws of Motion;

• Unit2: Force systems and characteristics of forces; moment of a force; Vector representation of

forces and moments.

• Unit3: Basic statics: Equilibrium of rigid bodies in two and three-dimensions.

• Unit4: Structural Analysis: the method of joints and the method of sections.

• Unit5: Friction: Simple Machines;

• Unit6: Basic Dynamics of Particles; Basic Dynamics of Rigid Bodies; Simple harmonic motion

All Combined Courses and Classes

This course provides students with knowledge in basic mining engineering principles.

Course image MC 173_ Mechanics (statics)_SRID
All Combined Courses and Classes

In this course, the basics of Newtonian Mechanics and its laws to particles and rigid bodies will be explored.

Upon successful completion of this course, students are expected to 

  • understand the basics of forces and moments; and draw free body diagrams
  • analyze equilibrium of systems (2D & 3D) of forces for tension in ropes/cables, forces in links, and support and contact reactions
  • find support reactions and internal forces of two-dimensional determinant structures
  • solve simple static and dynamic problems involving dry friction
  • evaluate mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and efficiency of simple machines
solve simple applied mechanics problems involving combination of the above objectives

Course image CE 167_ Basic Mechanics (SRID)
All Combined Courses and Classes

In this course, the basics of Newtonian Mechanics and its laws to particles and rigid bodies will be explored.

Upon successful completion of this course, students are expected to 

  • understand the basics of forces and moments; and draw free body diagrams
  • analyze equilibrium of systems (2D & 3D) of forces for tension in ropes/cables, forces in links, and support and contact reactions
  • find support reactions and internal forces of two-dimensional determinant structures
  • solve simple static and dynamic problems involving dry friction
  • evaluate mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and efficiency of simple machines
  • understand and solve two dimensional problems involving equation of motion, momentum, impulse and energy
solve simple applied mechanics problems involving combination of the above objectives

Course image EL 167_ Basic Mechanics(SRID)
All Combined Courses and Classes

In this course, the basics of Newtonian Mechanics and its laws to particles and rigid bodies will be explored.

Upon successful completion of this course, students are expected to 

  • understand the basics of forces and moments; and draw free body diagrams
  • analyze equilibrium of systems (2D & 3D) of forces for tension in ropes/cables, forces in links, and support and contact reactions
  • find support reactions and internal forces of two-dimensional determinant structures
  • solve simple static and dynamic problems involving dry friction
  • evaluate mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and efficiency of simple machines
  • understand and solve two dimensional problems involving equation of motion, momentum, impulse and energy
  • solve simple applied mechanics problems involving combination of the above objectives

Course image Introduction to Computer Programming (SRID)
All Combined Courses and Classes

The course presents basics of  programming including: Programming environment, Data representation, Control structures, Functions, Arrays, Pointers, Strings, and Structures that aim to:

arm the students with basic programming concepts;

introduce different techniques pertaining to problem solving skills;

arm the students with the necessary constructs of C/C++ and python programming;

And to emphasize on guided practical sessions.