An embedded system is a self-contained, microprocessor-based computer system typically implemented as a component of a larger electrical or mechanical system. At the core of the embedded system is an integrated circuit that performs computational tasks.
Today, there are billions of embedded system devices used across many industries including medical and industrial equipment, transportation systems, and military equipment. Many consumer devices from digital watches to kitchen appliances and automobiles also feature them. Embedded systems are small, fast, powerful, and designed for very specific use cases. While general purpose systems can perform multiple functions, they can be too costly for many applications, and may also fail to measure up to embedded systems’ reliability, low power consumption, minimal size, and other functional and performance features.
System Analysis and Design (SAD) is designed to delve into the analysis, design, development, implementation, and maintenance of computer-based information systems. Building on your foundational knowledge of computer hardware, software, and programming languages acquired, this course aims to provide you with comprehensive systems experience. This will enable you to manage the various components of a systems development approach effectively, ultimately leading to successful project completion.
The primary goal is to equip you with the fundamental skills required to study and understand systems, laying the groundwork for you to become a proficient system analyst. By the end of the course, you will be capable of confidently studying, analyzing, and designing functional systems.
The course Data Communication and Networks (CY 164) focuses on the fundamentals of data communication networks. The key goal is to give some insight into the rationale of why networks are structured the way they are today and to understand the issues facing the designers of next-generation data networks. Much of the course focuses on network algorithms and their performance. Students are expected to have a strong mathematical background. Topics to be discussed include: layered network architecture, Link Layer protocols, high-speed packet switching, Local Area Networks, and Wide Area Networking issues, including routing and flow control.
This course is an introduction to Computer Literacy for the undergraduate student. In taking
this course, the student shall gain essential knowledge and acquire basic skills relevant to the
use of computers in modern day learning and academic work in the university environment.
The lessons shall be delivered in two sessions Theory sessions via the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) of the institution; and Tutorial (Practical) sessions taught by face-to-face
interactions in designated Computer Labs. Taught lessons are complemented with comprehensive lecture notes and lab manuals. The best way to learn about using computers is
by using them; therefore, many of the activities in this course will require the student to
do things on the computer. Students are highly encouraged to own and practice on their
personal computers if they able to afford one
This course provides a very good understanding of the principles that govern the deployment of
computer networks. The course will enhance the practical know-how of the students in the area of
network securities, network server setup, installation and management. Students will further be
exposed to all tools, techniques and software used in monitoring network traffic. After completing
this course, students will find themselves at a moderate level of expertise in the area of Computer
Network Engineering, which can serve as a launchpad to the next levels
This course is an introduction to Computer Literacy for the undergraduate student. In taking
this course, the student shall gain essential knowledge and acquire basic skills relevant to the
use of computers in modern day learning and academic work in the university environment.
The lessons shall be delivered in two sessions Theory sessions via the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) of the institution; and Tutorial (Practical) sessions taught by face-to-face
interactions in designated Computer Labs. Taught lessons are complemented with comprehensive lecture notes and lab manuals. The best way to learn about using computers is
by using them; therefore, many of the activities in this course will require the student to
do things on the computer. Students are highly encouraged to own and practice on their
personal computers if they able to afford one