Course image Control Systems
Electrical and Electronic Engineering

EL 373 Control Systems is a three (3) credit-hour course with a TPC of 2, 2, 3. It covers various topics under classical control theory, which deals with the behaviour of dynamical systems with inputs, and how this behaviour is modified by feedback, using the Laplace transform as a basic tool to model such systems.
The goal of this course is to cover some basic and intermediate topics in classical control systems. It equips students with the concepts, theories, and applications of mathematical modelling of physical processes, closed-loop control systems, time-domain, and frequencydomain analyses of physical processes, and stability analysis.

Course image Instruments and Measurements
Electrical and Electronic Engineering

The objectives of this course are to introduce the basic concepts related to the theory and operation of electrical and electronic measuring instruments. Students should be able to apply the knowledge about the instruments to use them more effectively and suggest the instrument suitable for various measurement tasks.

Electrical and Electronic Engineering

The course CT, is to equip students with the tools necessary to understand AC concepts and principles, the use of circuit analysis theorems and methods in solving AC circuits. It is also to help students appreciate the concept of two port networks and solve for the various two port network parameters, etc

Electrical and Electronic Engineering

At the end of this course, students will be introduced to the following:

Semiconductor Devices


Feedback Theorem

Operational Amplifiers


Instrumentation Systems

Electrical and Electronic Engineering

A. Course Introduction Digital Electronics is a field of electronics that involves the study of digital signals and the engineering of devices that use or produce them. In contrast to analog electronics, where information is represented by a continuously varying voltage, digital signals are represented by two discrete voltages or logic levels.
B. Course Content Digital Electronics covers combinational and sequential logic circuits. Topics include number systems, Boolean algebra, Logic gates and families, Logic circuits, Minimisation of logic circuits, Sequential logic systems, Latches, flip-flops, Counters, shift registers, Memories, Medium Scale Integration (MSI) and Large-Scale Integration (LSI) circuits, Analogue to Digital (AD) and Digital to Analogue (DA) conversion.
C. Course Objectives The objectives of this course are to: i. Acquire basic knowledge of digital logic levels; ii. Understand digital electronics circuits; and iii. Prepare students to analyse and design various digital electronic circuits.
D. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students will: i. Have a thorough understanding of the fundamental concepts and techniques used in digital electronics; ii. Understand and apply various number systems in digital design; iii. Acquire the skills to analyze and design various combinational and sequential circuits; and iv. Develop their skills in building and troubleshooting digital circuits.
E. Mode of Course Delivery Lectures (face-to-face and online using Virtual Learning Environment), tutorials, oral conversation.
F. Reading Materials
Main Text: i. Tokheim, R. L. and Hoppe, P. E. (2021), Digital Electronics: Principles and Applications, 9th Edition, McGraw-Hill Education, 592 pp.
Supplementary Text: ii. Bucaro, S. (2019), Basic Digital Logic Design: Use Boolean Algebra, Karnaugh Mapping, or an
Easy Free Open-Source Logic Gate Simulator, 1 st edition,, 172 pp. iii. Singh, S. (2018), Digital Logic Design: Learn the Logic Circuits and Logic Design, BPB Publications, 378 pp, ISBN-10: 8183335802| ISBN-13: 978-8183335805|. iv. Ndjountche, T. (2016), Digital Electronics 1: Combinational Logic Circuits, 1 st edition, WileyISTE Publishing, 406 pp, | ISBN-10: 1848219849| ISBN-13: 978-1848219847|. v. Tocci, R., Widmer, N. and Moss, G. (2016), Digital Systems, 12th edition, Pearson Publishing, 1004 pp. vi. Kuphaldt, T. R. (2007), Lessons in Electric Circuits, Volume IV – Digital, 4th Edition, 507 pp.

Course image Data Science and Machine Learning (EL 364)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering

The main objective of this course is to provide students with an overview of the methodologies and approaches to data mining and machine learning.  This is to get student familiarized with the rapidly evolving field of data mining and machine learning and provide practical knowledge experience in analysis of real-world data. The main goal of this course is to prepare students for research in the area of data mining and machine learning related applications.

Course image Microprocessors and Digital Control Systems (EL 382)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering

The course introduces students to microprocessor architecture and programming as well as digital control principles. Students will learn to interface various components with microcontrollers as and use these devices to design simple application. Laboratory sessions will help familiarise students with the use of microprocessors for data acquisition, processing and control through the use of   digital to analogue converters, analogue to digital converters and other peripherals.

Course image Transformers and DC Machines
Electrical and Electronic Engineering

This course gives an introduction to the basic theory, construction, design, operation and use of electrical machines and how electrical machines fit into the larger context of power systems. Emphasis is put on understanding the basic concepts of electromagnetic laws governing the working of electrical machines including motors, generators and transformers. Practical analytical models for most types of electrical machines commonly used in industry will be developed, and the models will be used to analyse power requirements, power capability, efficiency, operating characteristics, control requirements, and electrical demands of these machines