Course image HS 576 - Human Factors and Ergonomics
Environmental and Safety Engineering

Human Factors and Ergonomics (HFE) is central to supporting the design, evaluation, operation and maintenance of human-centric systems in a variety of disciplines ranging from and not limited to design, engineering and management. As a realm of knowledge, HFE transcends disciplinary boundaries. However, in its current practice in most countries including Ghana, HFE has remained highly fractured in academic settings. HFE’s multifaceted nature is displayed in myriad instances in various areas of individual disciplines of design, engineering, psychology and physiology. The fractured state of HFE is also partly due to the way it is institutionalised in various academic disciplines.

Typically, HFE thrives under the banner of “applied psychology” in psychology departments, where it is studied as a subset of behaviour; as “ergonomics” in physiology departments where the primary insights are from physiological and physical basis of the body; and as “human factors engineering” in industrial and systems engineering departments. While the list continues, a more urgent need is to characterise HFE succinctly as a holistic transdisciplinary sector of knowledge to support design and innovation in human centric systems. The aim of this course is to provide such a comprehensive transdisciplinary and holistic understanding and basic sensitivity towards HFE.

The course is divided into eight modules.

  1. Workshop 1 provides a generic set of ideas that forms a basis for addressing HFE.
  2. Workshop 2 addresses the cognitive basis of HFE.
  3. Workshop 3 the physical and physiological basis of HFE.
  4. In Workshop 4, we shift our focus towards the physical environment of human performance as well as the design of workspaces.
  5. In Workshop 5, we take a step towards understanding the sociocultural environment and organizational dimension of HFE.
  6. In Workshop 6, we will focus on the challenges associated with large scale systems..
  7. Workshop 7 focuses on the ways in which HFE can be successfully integrated in organizations.
  8. Workshop 8will introduce students to some HFE methods.

Thus, this course will provide a holistic basis for engaging HFE and using it for informing designers, engineers and managers alike. In turn, enabling a more humane and sensitive practice of human-cantered systems for promoting well-being, productivity and overall systems performance.

Course image ES 450 SRID PROJECT WORK
Environmental and Safety Engineering

ES 450 : PROJECT WORK :This course is the project component of the research method and proposal writing. The objective of Project work is to equip students with skills and knowledge required to run experimental/field work and to gather data, analyse and interpret the data, write and defend a project report.  


Each student will undertake a relevant project in one of the fields of Environmental and Safety Engineering under the supervision of a member of staff appointed by the Departmental Board. Project synopsis would be defended in an oral presentation. Written project work reports will be submitted to the department for assessment after an oral PowerPoint presentation

Environmental and Safety Engineering

Welcome to HSE 574: Human Error and Behaviour. This course seeks to introduce students to human behaviour, the types of human failures, their classification and how they impact safety in an operational environment. 

Course image Computer Applications in OHS
Environmental and Safety Engineering

Welcome to the course/module - Computer Applications for Occupational Health and Safety. We will be using this as the official platform for communicating any information about the course. So you are encouraged to frequently check here for any course-related information.



Course image ES/HS 551 Advanced Research Methods
Environmental and Safety Engineering

Welcome to the Course ES/HS 551 Advance Research Methods. Here is where all our interaction will happen especially sharing of materials and submission of assignment



Course image Engineering Practice
Environmental and Safety Engineering

Engineering is a profession in which knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences, gained by study, experience, and practice, is applied with judgment to develop ways to use, economically, the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of mankind.

The features of the engineering profession include Theoretical knowledge, a Long training period, Relevance to social values, Service-oriented, Complete autonomy, a High sense of community, Long-term commitment, Highly developed code of ethics. These features and how they intertwine with society, development and sustainability are discussed in this course.

Course image ES 356 Field Trip and Technical Report Writing 2024
Environmental and Safety Engineering

Field trip and technical report writing course for third-year Environmental and Safety Engineering students.

Environmental and Safety Engineering

Welcome to ES 271; Safety Systems Audit.

The course introduces students to safety management systems, their implementation and auditing.

Course image SAFETY SYSTEMS AUDIT (Tarkwa Campus)
Environmental and Safety Engineering

Welcome to ES271; Safety Systems Audit

This course introduces students to safety management systems, their implementation and audit.